How to Determine Your Macros

Nobody gets a 7% body by accident, unless he’s a genetic wunderkind or an athlete. To do it, you’ll need to track the foods you eat closely and make sure you’re getting the right amounts of each macronutrient (proteins, carbs, and fats). To start, multiply your...

5 Strategies to build Strength for Summer

Strength training with these strategies will help you get stronger so you can lose weight, run faster, and hit harder. 1. Own the “big four” The squat, deadlift, bench press, and shoulder press are the best strength-training exercises, period. The chinup...

Self-discipline is self-acceptance

Self-discipline is self-acceptance If self-discipline feels difficult, then you-re doing it wrong.. Most people think of self-discipline in terms of willpower. So we see someone who wakes up at 5 AM ever day, eats an avocado-chia-fenne-apricot-papaya smoothie each...

First Five Steps to Becoming a Healthier Person

  Take a Walk Studies Show you can lesson the symptoms of depression 30% by just taking a 20 minute walk once a day. Walking will put you in a better mood, get your blood flowing, clear your mind and have you come back feeling like a whole new person. You...