1. Take a Walk Studies Show you can lesson the symptoms of depression 30% by just taking a 20 minute walk once a day. Walking will put you in a better mood, get your blood flowing, clear your mind and have you come back feeling like a whole new person. You don’t have to hit the gym hard for 60 minutes straight, its proven that these effects will happen with just an easy walk. You owe it to yourself to take just 20 minutes of time to yourself, to reflect, to help your body, mind and yes, soul.


  2. Add some Green
    We must realize that we are what we eat. Your body uses your food to reproduce new cells, to create the new you, if you are not filling your body with nutrition you not properly providing your body with the right fuel to ensure your cells have the best resources to build a newer happier, healthier you. The benefits of eating more veggies include: Toxin Removal, Positive Cell Regeneration, healthier skin, improves Alkaline levels in your digestive system, additional hydration, heart health, majorly assisting weight loss. Why wouldn’t you want these plus more, and per OZ vegetables are far less expensive. I will be posting a related article on which Veggies are imperative to buy Organic.
  3. Get a Notepad
    Studies show by documenting your progress, you are 60% more likely to stick to your health goals. A few benefits include:
    Peace of Mind – when you know exactly what you’ve done and need to do, your mind doesn’t constantly hold this on the back burning causing ongoing stress and anxiety, even if its on a small scale it still hurts.
    Accurate Measurement – when you notice little gains as the weeks / months go on, you can measure your progress even better and give our little pats on the back more often, because you will make progress.
    Ease of decision making – when you know that you’ve ran 2.4 miles the last two attempts, a tiny goal of making it .6 of a mile more will ensure progress in the positive direction.
  4. One Step at a time
    I think this is the hardest aspect for people to realize when they are trying to improve their life. You are not going to see a change over night, or in 1 week. You will start to realize small changes (sleeping better, better moods) fairly quickly, but you are not going to look in the mirror and see a new person tomorrow. If it was this easy, everyone would do it. You have to give yourself a lot of patience, and mental dedication which will be the most difficult part of your journey, but one that will help you appreciate what you have become the longer you stick to it.

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  5. Believe in yourself and have patience
    You have to expect it from yourself before you can accomplish it, you have to mentally be there, or see yourself there with confidence before the rest of your body and mind begin to go there. The world will meet your efforts half way,